
ac voltage measurements
ac filter, 114, 361
connections, 21
loading errors, 364
low frequency filter, 114, 361
ranges, 21, 113
settling time, 114, 361
signal conditioning, 359
true RMS measurements, 360
accuracy, 417
accuracy specifications
ac measurements, 406
dc measurements, 404
actuator switching, 59, 384
address (GPIB)
factory setting, 150
selecting, 3, 150
address, channel number, 23, 181
ADRS annunciator, 4
Advanced key, 36, 104
ALARM annunciator, 4, 124
alarm data, viewing, 126
Alarm key, 35, 40, 125
alarm limits
annunciators, 124
clearing alarm outputs, 129
configuring, 40
default settings, 41, 124
interaction with Mx+B, 40, 123
output connector location, 5
output connector pinout, 128
output latch mode, 128
output slope (polarity), 129
output track mode, 128
scan on alarm, 84
setting limits, 40
with readings, 87
Alarm Out key, 35, 129
alarm output lines
clearing, 129
connector location, 5
connector pinout, 128
latch mode, 128
slope (polarity), 129
track mode, 128
alarm queue, 41
clearing, 122, 126
number of alarms, 122
output format, 127
storing alarms, 122, 126
alarm register (status)
bit definitions, 284
clearing bits, 284
Alarms connector, 128
alarm output lines, 128
annunciators, 124
default limit values, 124
description, 122
front-panel annunciators, 124
hardware output lines, 124, 128
interaction with Mx+B, 123
output connector, 128
setting limits, 125
status register group, 284
storing in alarm queue, 122
storing in reading memory, 122
viewing alarm queue, 126
viewing reading memory, 126
while scanning, 75
with multifunction module, 130
alpha (
α) for RTDs
default, 110
values, 110
analog-to-digital conversion
explanation, 61
integrating technique, 61
non-integrating technique, 61
annunciators, 4, 124
aperture time
command syntax, 217
definition, 103
selecting, 103
application programs
C and C++, 328
Excel 7.0, 321, 322
attenuation, 336, 344, 387
auto answer (modem), 274
automatic channel delays, 89
automatic recall, power-down, 48, 77
autorange, threshold values, 98
definition, 105
vs. integration time, 105
average responding error, 360
average, during scan, 75
AWG, wire gauge size, 336
“B” (Mx+B scaling offset), 119
backplane relays, 164, 166, 276, 383
bandwidth (ac)
ac current, 116
ac voltage, 114
vs. channel delays, 89
bank switch, 164, 166, 176, 383
battery life, 408
baud rate (RS-232)
factory setting, 47, 152
selecting, 47, 152
BBM switching, 378
BenchLink Data Logger Software
creating floppy disks, 19
installation, 18, 19
on-line help, 19
software overview, 6
system specifications, 412
bias current, dc loading errors, 358
binary format, digital read, 42, 133
bits, vs. integration time, 103, 203
block diagram
34970A, 53
internal DMM, 60
BNC cable kits
34905A, 173
34906A, 173
boolean parameters, 300
braces ({ }), syntax, 73, 181
brackets ([ ]), syntax, 73, 181
break-before-make switching, 378
bridge, strain gage, 375
buffering triggers, 83
bumpers, removing, 30
burden voltage, 368