Voltage Configuration Commands
See also “Voltage Measurement Configuration” in chapter 4 starting on
page 113.
:IMPedance:AUTO {OFF|ON}[,(
:IMPedance:AUTO? [(
Disable or enable the automatic input resistance mode for dc voltage
measurements on the specified channels. With
AUTO OFF (default),
the input resistance is fixed at 10 M
Ω for all ranges. With AUTO ON,
the input resistance is set to >10 G
Ω for the 100 mV, 1 V, and 10 V
ranges. The :AUTO? query returns the input resistance setting on the
specified channels. Returns “0” (
OFF) or “1” (ON).
VOLTage:AC:BANDwidth {3|20|200|MIN|MAX}[,(
VOLTage:AC:BANDwidth? [{(
Specify the lowest frequency expected in the input signal for ac voltage
measurements on the specified channels. The instrument selects the
slow, medium (default), or fast ac filter based on the frequency you
MIN = 3 Hz. MAX = 200 Hz. The :BAND? query returns the
ac filter setting on the specified channels. Returns “3”, “20”, or “200”.
Disable or enable (default) the autozero mode. The
parameters have a similar effect. Autozero OFF does not issue a new
zero measurement until the next time the instrument goes to the
“wait-for-trigger” state. Autozero
ONCE issues an immediate zero
measurement. The :AUTO? query the autozero mode. Returns “0”
OFF or ONCE) or “1” (ON).
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Voltage Configuration Commands