
aborting scan, 78, 79
alarm mode, 84
channel delay, 88
clearing memory, 75, 78, 79
external mode, 83
external scan with digital input, 97
initiating from front panel, 78
initiating from remote, 79
interval (timer) mode, 81
interval trigger, 80
manual (once) mode, 82
memory overview, 74
modules allowed, 74
on alarm, 84
power failure, 77
reading format, 87
readings stored in memory, 74
removing modules during, 76
rules, 74
scan once (manual) mode, 82
speeds, 408
statistics, 75
stopping scan, 81
storing readings, 76
timer (interval) mode, 81
viewing readings, 90
with alarms, 75
with digital input channels, 76
with external instrument, 95
with Monitor function, 75
with Mx+B scaling, 75
with totalizer channels, 76
SCPI language
command long form, 297
command short form, 297
command summary, 181-200
command syntax, 299
introduction, 296
parameter types, 300
status register system, 275
syntax conventions, 73, 181
terminators, 299
version query, 149
screw terminal diagram
34901A, 165
34902A, 167
34903A, 169
34904A, 171
34905A, 173
34906A, 173
34907A, 175
34908A, 177
screw terminal connections
ac current, 21
ac voltage, 21
dc current, 21
dc voltage, 21
frequency, 21
period, 21
resistance, 21
RTDs, 21
thermistors, 21
thermocouples, 21
wire strain relief, 20
wire strip length, 20
secure calibration, 157
security code (calibration)
factory setting, 155
to change, 157
self test
complete, 17, 143
failure, 17
power-on, 17, 143
sense connections, 380
sense connections (RTD), 110
sensitivity, 416
sensor types, 56
serial (COM) ports, 273
serial (RS-232) interface
baud rate, 152
cables, 17, 51, 273
connection to computer, 272
connector location, 5
connector pinout, 273
data frame format, 272
flow mode, 153
selecting interface, 151
parity, 152
troubleshooting, 273
serial poll, 278
service request (SRQ), 278
settling delay
automatic, 89
default value, 88
defined, 88
settings, 88
settling time, 372
settling time, ac voltage, 361
shearing strain, 373
shielding, 338
shielding, thermocouple wire, 353
SHIFT annunciator, 4, 16
Shift key, 16
short form, SCPI commands, 297
shunt impedance, 353
signal conditioning, 61
signal conditioning
ac voltage, 359
dc voltage, 354
simplified schematic
34901A, 164
34902A, 166
34903A, 168
34904A, 170
34905A, 172
34906A, 172
34907A, 174
34908A, 176
single-channel Monitor, 93, 94
sink current, digital output, 393
sliding-shelf kit (rack mounting), 31
slope, alarm output lines, 129
slot numbering, 5
slow ac filter, 114, 361
slow timeout, 118
SMB cable kits, 173
snubber circuitry, 385
software (BenchLink Data Logger)
creating floppy disks, 19
installation, 18, 19
on-line help, 19
overview, 6
system requirements, 412
source connections, 380
source connections (RTD), 110