
Temperature Configuration Commands
See also “Temperature Measurement Configuration” in chapter 4 starting
on page 106.
General Temperature Commands
:TEMPerature {C|F|K}[,(
:TEMPerature? [(@<ch_list>)]
Select the temperature measurement units on the specified channels.
The default is “C”. The :TEMP? query returns the temperature
measurement units currently selected. Returns “
C”, “F”, or “K”.
:TYPE {TCouple|RTD|FRTD|THERmistor|DEF}[,(
:TYPE? [(
Select the type of temperature transducer to use for measurements on
the specified channels. Select from
TC (thermocouple), RTD (2-wire RTD),
FRTD (4-wire RTD), or THER (thermistor) . The default is TC. The
:TYPE? query returns the current temperature transducer type on the
specified channels. Returns “
TC”, “RTD”, “FRTD”, or “THER”.
:NPLC {0.02|0.2|1|2|10|20|100|200|MIN|MAX}[,(
Set the integration time in number of power line cycles (
PLCs) on the
specified channels. The default is 1
PLC. MIN = 0.02. MAX = 200.
For more information on the relationship between integration time,
measurement resolution, number of digits, and number of bits, see the
table on page 203. For more information on time, refer to “Custom A/D
Integration Time” in chapter 4 starting on page 103.
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Temperature Configuration Commands