Execution Errors
-101 Invalid character
An invalid character was found in the command string. You may have
used an invalid character such as #, {, $, or % in the command header
or within a parameter. Example: CONF:VOLT:DC {
-102 Syntax error
Invalid syntax was found in the command string. You may have
inserted a blank space before or after a colon in the command header,
or before a comma. Or you may have omitted the “
@” character in the
channel list syntax.
Examples: ROUT:CHAN: DELAY 1 or CONF:VOLT:DC ( 101)
-103 Invalid separator
An invalid separator was found in the command string. You may have
used a comma instead of a colon, semicolon, or blank space – or you may
have used a blank space instead of a comma. Examples: TRIG:COUNT,1
or CONF:FREQ 1000 0.1
-105 GET not allowed
A Group Execute Trigger (GET) is not allowed within a command string.
-108 Parameter not allowed
More parameters were received than expected for this command.
You may have entered an extra parameter or added a parameter to a
command that does not require a parameter. Example: READ? 10
-109 Missing parameter
Fewer parameters were received than expected for this command.
You have omitted one or more parameters that are required for this
command. Example: ROUT:CHAN:DELAY
-112 Program mnemonic too long
A command header was received which contained more than the
maximum 12 characters allowed. Example: CONFIGURATION:VOLT:DC
-113 Undefined header
A command was received that is not valid for this instrument. You may
have misspelled the command or it may not be a valid command. If you
are using the shortened form of this command, remember that it may
contain up to four letters. Or you may have inserted an extra colon where
one is not required.
Examples: TRIGG:COUN 3 or CONF:VOLT:DC: (
Chapter 6 Error Messages
Execution Errors