
OC annunciator, 4
offset “B” (Mx+B scaling), 39, 119
offset compensation, 115, 371
offset voltages, 105
On/Standby switch, 17
ONCE annunciator, 4
Open key, 26
“OPEN T/C” message, 107, 221
operating system requirements, 412
Option 001 (internal DMM)
See Option 001 Installation Note
output format, alarm queue data, 127
output lines, alarms, 124, 128
OUTP:ALARm:CLEar command, 252
OUTP:ALARm:CLEar:ALL command, 252
OUTP:ALARm:MODE command, 252
OUTP:ALARm:SLOPe command, 252
parameter types (SCPI), 300
parity (RS-232)
factory setting, 152
selecting, 47, 152
pasting, channel configuration, 25
period measurements
connections, 21
sources of error, 377
PLC, 103, 344, 405
command syntax, 218
vs. channel delays, 89
plug-in module description
34901A, 164
34902A, 166
34903A, 168
34904A, 170
34905A, 172
34906A, 172
34907A, 174
34908A, 176
plug-in module information
connecting wiring, 20
default settings, 162
dimensions, 413
firmware revision, 146
installing in mainframe, 20
reading relay count, 147
strain relief, 20
specifications, 409
poisson strain, 373
polarity, alarm output lines, 129
ports, serial (COM), 273
power consumption, 408
power cord, 17
power failure, during scan, 77
power line cycles, 103, 344
Power (Standby) switch, 17
power-down recall, 48, 77, 140
power-line fuse
location, 5, 28
part number, 27
replacing, 28
factory setting, 27
power-line voltage
factory setting, 27
fuse, 27
selection, 27
selector module, 5, 28
power-line, rejecting noise, 344
preset state, 161
printing history, inside front cover
product dimensions, 413, 414
programming examples
C and C++, 328, 329
Excel 7.0, 321, 322, 323
programming language
command summary, 181-200
syntax conventions, 181
programming, overview, 201-206
PT100 (RTD), 110, 346
questionable data register
bit definitions, 280
clearing bits, 281
Quick Start Kit, 17
default, 110
range, 110
R? command, 236
rack mounting
filler panel, 31
flange kit, 31
lock-link kit, 31
removing bumpers, 30
removing handle, 30
sliding-shelf kit, 31
radio frequency interference, 339
random noise, 377
autorange, 98
command syntax, 215
overload, 98
selecting, 99
ranges by function
2-wire ohms, 21, 116
4-wire ohms, 21, 115
ac current, 21, 116
ac voltage, 21, 113
dc current, 21, 116
dc voltage, 21, 113
RC protection circuitry, 385
Read key, 42, 44
READ? command, 79, 204, 230
description, 202
examples, 205
reading format, 87
readings memory, storing alarms, 122
readings, viewing, 24, 90
real-time clock
factory setting, 145
setting, 22, 145
rear panel
pictorial overview, 5
external scanning, 95
recall power-down state, 140
reference junction (thermocouple)
definition, 107
external reference, 107
fixed temperature, 107
internal reference, 107
reference channel, 107, 220