
261 Not able to execute while scan initiated
While a scan is running, you cannot change any parameters that affect
the scan (channel configuration, scan interval, scaling values, alarm
limits, issue a Card Reset, or recall a stored state). To stop a scan in
progress, send the ABORt command or a bus Device Clear.
271 Not able to accept unit names longer than 3 characters
For Mx+B scaling, you can specify a custom label with up to three
characters. You can use letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), an underscore ( _ ),
or the “#” character which displays a degree symbol (
° ) on the front panel.
272 Not able to accept character in unit name
For Mx+B scaling, you can specify a custom label with up to three
characters. The first character must be a letter or the “#” character (the “#”
character is allowed only as the leftmost character in the label).
The remaining two characters can be letters, numbers, or an underscore.
281 Not able to perform on more than one channel
You can perform this operation on only one channel at a time. Check the
channel list that you sent with this command to see if it contains more
than one channel. This error is generated by the ROUTe:MON and
DATA:LAST? commands.
291 Not able to recall state: it is empty
You can only recall a state from a location that contains a previously
stored state. The state location that you attempted to recall is empty.
The storage locations are numbered 0 through 5.
292 Not able to recall state: DMM enable changed
The enable/disable state of the internal
DMM has been changed since
the instrument state was stored. Use the INSTrument:DMM? command
to determine the state of the internal
DMM. For more information,
see “Internal DMM Disable” on page 145.
301 Module currently committed to scan
When you add a multiplexer channel to a scan list, that entire module
is dedicated to the scan. You cannot perform low-level close or open
operations on any channels on that module (even those channels that
are not configured). To stop a scan in progress, send the ABORt command
or a bus Device Clear.
Chapter 6 Error Messages
Instrument Errors