CALCulate:AVERage:AVERage? [(@<ch_list>)]
Calculate the mathematical average of all readings taken on each of the
specified channels since the start of the scan. Each channel must be a
multiplexer channel that has been configured to be part of the scan list.
If no data is available for the specified channels, “0” is returned.
Returns a number in the form “
CALCulate:AVERage:PTPeak? [(
Calculate the peak-to-peak value of all readings taken on each of the
specified channel since the start of the scan (the difference between the
maximum and minimum reading). Each channel must be a multiplexer
channel that has been configured to be part of the scan list. If no data is
available for the specified channels, “0” is returned. Returns a number
in the form “
CALCulate:AVERage:COUNt? [(
Count the number of readings taken on each of the specified channels
since the start of the scan. Each channel must be a multiplexer channel
that has been configured to be part of the scan list. Returns a number in
the form “
CALCulate:AVERage:CLEar [(
Clear all values from the statistics registers for the specified channels.
Each channel must be a multiplexer channel that have been configured
to be part of the scan list. The minimum, maximum, average, count, and
peak-to-peak value are cleared. The values for all scanned channels are
also cleared at the start of a new scan.
Query the last reading taken on the specified channel (one channel only)
during the scan. Use the optional num_rdgs parameter to specify the
number of readings that you want to retrieve for the specified channel
(oldest data first). If you do not specify a value for num_rdgs, only the
most recent reading on the specified channel is returned. If you specify
more readings than are currently stored in memory, an error is generated.
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Scanning Overview