
reference thermocouple, 349
register diagram (status), 276
relative time, 87
relay contact protection, 385
relay contact resistance, 399
relay cycle count
clearing, 148
estimating relay life, 399
reading, 147, 399
relay life
relay maintenance system, 399
vs. load switched, 400
vs. relay life, 400
relay maintenance system
clearing relay count, 148
reading relay count, 147, 399
remote interface, GPIB (IEEE-488)
address selection, 46, 151
cable, 51
connector, 5
interface selection, 46, 151
setting address, 150
factory address setting, 150
remote interface, RS-232 (serial)
baud rate, 47
cable, 51
flow control, 47
parity, 47
stop bits, 47
RES:OCOMpensated command, 224
reset mode, totalizer, 44, 76
resistance ladder, 384
resistance measurements
2-wire ohms, 369
4-wire ohms, 369
connections, 21
nominal (RTD), 110, 222
offset compensation, 115, 371
ranges, 21
resolution, 417
“half” digit, 100
command syntax, 216
selecting, 101
vs. integration time, 103, 203
result codes (modem), 274
revision number (firmware)
34970A, 146
plug-in modules, 146
RF cable kits (SMB-to-BNC), 173
RF multiplexers
insertion loss, 391
performance graphs, 411
sources of error, 391
VSWR, 391
RFI radiation, 339
ribbon cables, 55
RMT annunciator, 4
rosette (strain gage), 374
ROUTe:CHAN:ADV:SOUR command, 97
ROUTe:CHAN:DELay command, 88, 229
ROUTe:CHAN:DELay:AUTO command, 230
ROUTe:CHAN:FWIRe command, 97, 243
ROUTe:CHAN:ADV:SOUR command, 242
ROUTe:CLOSe command, 259
ROUTe:CLOSe:EXCL command, 259
ROUTe:DONE? command, 260
ROUTe:MON:DATA? command, 94
ROUTe:MON:STATe command, 94
ROUTe:MON command, 238
ROUTe:MONitor:DATA? command, 238
ROUTe:MON:STATe command, 238
ROUTe:OPEN command, 259, 260
ROUTe:SCAN command, 79, 228, 240
ROUTe:SCAN:SIZE? command, 228, 240
RS-232 (serial) interface
baud rate, 152
cables, 17, 51, 273
connection to computer, 272
connector location, 5
connector pinout, 273
data frame format, 272
flow mode, 153
selecting interface, 151
parity, 152
troubleshooting, 273
RTD measurements, 110
alpha (
α), 110
conversion accuracy, 345
measurement tutorial, 346
connections, 21
measurement units, 106
supported types, 21, 106
RTS/CTS flow mode (RS-232), 153
rubber bumpers, removing, 30
safety information, inside front cover
Sample (*) annunciator, 4
sample programs
C and C++, 328
Excel 7.0, 321
scale, temperature units, 106
scaling (Mx+B)
custom label, 39, 120
default gain (“M”), 121
default offset (“B”), 121
equation used, 119
interaction with alarms, 119
null stored as offset, 119
setting gain (“M”), 39, 121
setting offset (“B”), 39, 121
strain measurements, 375
valid gain (“M”) values, 120
valid offset (“B”) values, 120
while scanning, 75, 119
SCAN annunciator, 4
scan configuration, copying, 25
scan configuration, front panel, 23
scan count
continuous, 38, 86
default value, 38, 86
settings, 38, 86
scan interval
default value, 38, 81
resolution, 81
setting from front panel, 81
setting from remote, 81
Scan key, 24, 78
scan list
adding channels to, 78
building from front panel, 78
building from remote, 79
defining, 23, 24
examples, 73, 181
reading digital input, 42
reading totalizer count, 44
rules, 73, 181
scan sweep, defined, 78, 80