
Four-Wire Multiplexers
You can make 4-wire ohms measurements using the 34901A and
34902A multiplexers. For a 4-wire ohms measurement, the channels are
divided into two independent banks by opening the bank relay.
For 4-wire measurements, the instrument automatically pairs channel n
with channel n+10 (34901A) or n+8 (34902A) to provide the source and
sense connections. For example, make the source connections to the
and LO terminals on channel 2 and the sense connections to the HI and
LO terminals on channel 12.
When making a 4-wire measurement, the test current flows through the
source connections from the HI terminal through the resistor being
measured. To eliminate the test lead resistance, a separate set of sense
connections are used as shown below.
Channel 1 Source
Channel 2 Source
Channel 11 Sense
Channel 12 Sense
To DMM Source
To DMM Sense
Bank Relay
Note: If any channels are configured to be part of the scan list, you cannot close
multiple channels; closing one channel will open the previously closed channel.
Source Sense
Chapter 8 Tutorial
Low-Level Signal Multiplexing and Switching