Thermocouple Check feature, 107, 221
calculation error, 353
color codes, 351
conversion accuracy, 345
connections, 21
diffusion error, 352
external reference, 107
fixed reference, 107
internal reference, 107
isothermal block, 107
measurement tutorial, 347
measurement units, 106
probe accuracy, 351
reference junction, 107
reference junction error, 352
shielding, 353
shunt impedance, 353
temperature range, 351
Thermocouple Check, 107, 221
types supported, 21, 106, 351
thermoelectric voltages, 340
threshold, totalize, 135, 136, 137
time (clock)
factory setting, 145
setting the, 22, 145
time stamp
absolute, 87
relative, 87
timeout, low frequency, 118
torroid, 339
totalize threshold, 135
hardware jumper, 395
TOT:CLEar:IMMediate command, 257
TOT:DATA? command, 257
TOT:SLOPe command, 257
TOT:TYPE command, 256, 257
ac vs. TTL threshold, 135
adding to scan list, 44, 136
block diagram, 395
clearing the count, 136
contact bounce, 396
counting on falling edge, 135
counting on rising edge, 135
errors, 396
gate signal, 135, 396
manually reset, 44
maximum count, 136, 395
overflow, 280
reading count, 44
reset mode, 44, 76, 136
reset mode while scanning, 76
scanning, 76
Totalize Threshold jumper, 135
track mode, alarm output lines, 128
transducer types, 56
tree switch, 383
triangle brackets (< >), syntax, 73, 181
TRIG:SOUR command, 81
TRIG:TIMer command, 81
TRIGGER command, 82
TRIGger:COUNt command, 86, 229, 241
TRIGger:SOUR command, 228, 240
TRIGger:TIMer command, 229, 241
buffering, 83
external, 83
scan, 80
error messages, 303-318
RS-232, 273
true RMS, 360
TTL drive, digital output, 393
tutorial, 333
twisted pair cables, 55
two-wire multiplexers, 58, 378
two-wire ohms, 369
UNIT:TEMP command, 106, 219
temperature, 106, 219
with readings, 87
unsecure calibration, 156
Utility key, 36
varistor, 386
vertical bar (|), syntax, 73, 181
VIEW annunciator, 4
View key, 24, 36, 91, 126
alarm data, 126
readings, 90
scanned readings, 24
Visual Basic, example, 321
VM Complete signal, 95
VOLT:AC:BANDwidth command, 223
voltage (DAC) output
card reset, 139
current limitations, 139, 397
differential errors, 398
integral errors, 398
resetting, 45
simplified schematic, 397
writing, 45
voltage dividers, 385
voltage measurements, 113
ac low frequency filter, 114
ac settling time, 114
VSWR, 391, 411