Totalizer Commands
See also “Totalizer Operations” in chapter 4 starting on page 135.
MEASure:TOTalize? {READ|RRESet} ,(
Configure the instrument to read the count on the specified totalizer
channels on the multifunction module and immediately sweep through
the scan list one time. Note that this command also redefines the scan list.
The readings are sent directly to the instrument’s output buffer but the
readings are not stored in reading memory. The totalizer channel is
numbered “s03”, where s represents the slot number.
To read the totalizer during the scan without resetting the count, select
the READ parameter. To read the totalizer during the scan and reset the
count to “0” after it is read, select the RRESet parameter (this means
“read and reset”).
CONFigure:TOTalize {READ|RRESet} ,(
Configure the instrument to read the specified totalizer channels on the
multifunction module but do not initiate the scan. Note that this command
also redefines the scan list. The totalizer channel is numbered “s03”,
where s represents the slot number.
To read the totalizer during the scan without resetting the count, select
the READ parameter. To read the totalizer during the scan and reset the
count to “0” after it is read, select the RRESet parameter (this means
“read and reset”).
TOTalize:TYPE {READ|RRESet}[,(
TOTalize:TYPE? [(
Disable (default) or enable an automatic reset of the count when the
specified totalizer channels are scanned. To read the count without
resetting the value, select the READ parameter. To read the totalize and
reset the count to “0” after it is read, select the RRESet parameter (this
means “read and reset”). The totalizer channel is numbered “s03”, where
s represents the slot number. The :TYPE? query returns the reset
configuration currently selected. Returns “
READ” or “RRES”.
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Totalizer Commands