INSTRUCTION SET S3C8245/P8245/C8249/P8249
XOR — Logical Exclusive OR
XOR dst,src
Operation: dst ← dst XOR src
The source operand is logically exclusive-ORed with the destination operand and the result is stored
in the destination. The exclusive-OR operation results in a "1" bit being stored whenever the
corresponding bits in the operands are different; otherwise, a "0" bit is stored.
Flags: C: Unaffected.
Z: Set if the result is "0"; cleared otherwise.
S: Set if the result bit 7 is set; cleared otherwise.
V: Always reset to "0".
D: Unaffected.
H: Unaffected.
Bytes Cycles Opcode
Addr Mode
dst src
opc dst | src 2 4 B2 r r
6 B3 r lr
opc src dst 3 6 B4 R R
6 B5 R IR
opc dst src 3 6 B6 R IM
Examples: Given: R0 = 0C7H, R1 = 02H, R2 = 18H, register 00H = 2BH, register 01H = 02H, and
register 02H = 23H:
XOR R0,R1 → R0 = 0C5H, R1 = 02H
XOR R0,@R1 → R0 = 0E4H, R1 = 02H, register 02H = 23H
XOR 00H,01H → Register 00H = 29H, register 01H = 02H
XOR 00H,@01H → Register 00H = 08H, register 01H = 02H, register 02H = 23H
XOR 00H,#54H → Register 00H = 7FH
In the first example, if working register R0 contains the value 0C7H and if register R1 contains the
value 02H, the statement "XOR R0,R1" logically exclusive-ORs the R1 value with the R0 value and
stores the result (0C5H) in the destination register R0.