Samsung S3C8245 Microscope & Magnifier User Manual

CONTROL REGISTERS S3C8245/P8245/C8249/P8249
SIOCON SIO Control Register FOH Set 1, Bank 0
Bit Identifier .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 .0
nRESET Value 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Addressing Mode Register addressing mode only
SIO Shift Clock Selection Bit
0 Internal clock (P.S clock)
1 External clock (SCK)
.6 Data Direction Control Bit
0 MSB-first mode
1 LSB-first mode
SIO Mode Selection Bit
0 Receive-only mode
1 Transmit/receive mode
.4 Shift Clock Edge Selection Bit
0 Tx at falling edges, Rx at rising edges
1 Tx at rising edges, Rx at falling edges
SIO Counter Clear and Shift Start Bit
0 No action
1 Clear 3-bit counter and start shifting
SIO Shift Operation Enable Bit
0 Disable shifter and clock counter
1 Enable shifter and clock counter
SIO Interrupt Enable Bit
0 Disable SIO Interrupt
1 Enable SIO Interrupt
SIO Interrupt Pending Bit
0 No interrupt pending
0 Clear pending condition (when write)
1 Interrupt is pending