Transport® Model PT878 Portable Liquid Flowmeter User’s Manual iii
Information Paragraphs
• Note paragraphs provide information that provides a deeper understanding of
the situation, but is not essential to the proper completion of the instructions.
• Important paragraphs provide information that emphasizes instructions that
are essential to proper setup of the equipment. Failure to follow these
instructions carefully may cause unreliable performance.
• Caution! paragraphs provide information that alerts the operator to a hazardous
situation that can cause damage to property or equipment.
• Warning! paragraphs provide information that alerts the operator to a
hazardous situation that can cause injury to personnel. Cautionary information
is also included, when applicable.
Safety Issues
WARNING! It is the responsibility of the user to make sure all local, county,
state and national codes, regulations, rules and laws related to
safety and safe operating conditions are met for each