Chapter 5. Displaying and Configuring Data
Transport® Model PT878 Portable Liquid Flowmeter User’s Manual 95
5.4 The Measurement Option
On occasion, you might need to change the actual parameter measured in a
given window.The Measurement option enables you to reconfigure the
window with one of five categories of data source (velocity, volume,
forward or reverse totalizer, power, energy or diagnostics) and appropriate
English or metric measurement units.
To enter the Measurement option:
1. Press [SEL] from the Operate Mode window until you have reached the
desired measurement.
2. Press [ENTER] to open the Display Menu.
3. Be sure the Measurement option is highlighted, and press [ENTER].
4. A drop-down menu entry, Change, appears. Press [ENTER] again.
The screen appears similar to Figure 60 on page 96. The left column
displays the five measurement data sources, while the right column displays
English and metric measurement units (or, with the Diagnostics source
shown, a list of diagnostics parameters).
5. Use the [T] and [S] arrow keys to reach the desired data source, and
6. Then use the [T] or [S] arrow keys to select the desired measurement
unit (or diagnostic parameter). Press
[F3] (OK) to confirm the entry.
7. The screen returns to Operate Mode, and displays any changes.