Chapter 6. Programming Meter Settings
Transport® Model PT878 Portable Liquid Flowmeter User’s Manual 125
6.9 Changing Communications Settings (cont.)
Note: For more information on loading software updates via IrDA, see
Chapter 8, Servicing the PT878, page 195.
4. The program now asks for the baud rate. The default rate is 9600 bps.
a. Press [ENTER] to open the drop-down menu.
b. Use the [T] or [S] arrow keys to scroll to the desired rate, from
300 to 115.2K bps.
c. Press [ENTER] to confirm the entry.
5. The next prompt asks for the parity from five options: None, Mark,
Space, Even or Odd. The default parity is None.
a. Press [ENTER] to open the drop-down menu.
b. Use the [T] or [S] arrow keys to scroll to the desired parity.
c. Press [ENTER] to confirm the entry.
6. The next prompt asks you to select either one or two stop bits.The
default number is one. Use the [
W] and [X] keys to scroll to the desired
number, and press
7. The final prompt asks you to select either seven or eight data bits. The
default number is 8. Use the [
W] and [X] keys to scroll to the desired
number, and press
IMPORTANT: Using IR232 requires the following parameters:
•Baud Rate -- 9600
•Parity -- None
•Stop Bits -- 1
•Data Bits -- 8
• To confirm the entries and return to Operate Mode, press [F3] (OK). The
PT878 returns to Operate Mode.
• To leave the window without confirming the entries, press [F2] (Cancel)
or the
[ESC] key. The PT878 returns to Operate Mode.