Chapter 8. Servicing the PT878
Transport® Model PT878 Portable Liquid Flowmeter User’s Manual 185
8.9 Setting Error Limits (cont.)
d. Press the [X] arrow key to move to the maximum signal box, and
repeat steps a, b and c.
e. Press the [W] arrow key to return to the minimum signal box, and
the [
T] key to move to the next limit.
2. The next prompt calls for the low and high velocity limits. The E3:
VELOCITY RANGE error message appears if the velocity falls outside
these limits. Repeat Step 1 on page 184 to enter the desired limits.
3. The third prompt calls for the low and high limits for the amplitude
discriminator. The discriminator measures the size of the transducer
signal sent from the PT878. If the signal falls outside these limits, the
E5: AMPLITUDE ERROR message appears. Repeat Step 1 on
page 184 to enter the desired limits.
4. The fourth prompt asks for the acceptable limits for the soundspeed,
based on conditions in your particular system. The E2: SOUNDSPEED
ERROR message appears if the fluid soundspeed exceeds that entered
in the Pipe option of the Program menu by more than this percentage.
The default value is 20% of the nominal soundspeed.
a. Press [ENTER] to open the text box.
b. Use the numeric keys to enter the desired percentage.
c. Press [ENTER] to confirm your entry.
5. The final prompt asks for the acceleration limit for detecting cycle
skipping. The E6: ACCELERATION ERROR message appears if the
velocity changes by more than this limit from one reading to the next.
a. Press [ENTER] to open the text box.
b. Use the numeric keys to enter the desired speed.
c. Press [ENTER] to confirm your entry.