Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide
Chapter 3 Building the Network
3.5.1 Prerequisites for Adding NEs Topology Setup
Appropriate topology information must be configured on ONS 15501, ONS 15530, and ONS 15540 NEs
for automatic discovery of neighbors and discovery of physical links. For the ONS 15530 and
ONS 15540, topology can be configured in two ways: by using CDP learning or through IP using
Ethernet. For the ONS 15501, topology must be configured manually.
CDP neighbor information exchanged between the Optical Supervisory Channel (OSC) ports of two
adjacent NEs, or between the WDM ports of two NEs that are directly connected, usually reflects the
actual physical topology. CDP neighbor information can be used to populate the physical topology in
these cases. To enable topology learning through CDP, you must first enable CDP on the corresponding
OSC ports, and then enable topology learning via CDP. For example, assume that two ONS 15540 NEs
are connected through the wdm0/0 port on each side, with OSC port Wave0 present on both sides:
1. The cdp enable CLI command, when issued in the interface configuration mode of interface Wave0
of both NEs, enables CDP on the two Wave0 interfaces.
2. The topology neighbor cdp proxy Wave0 CLI command, when issued in the interface
configuration mode of interface wdm0/0 of both NEs, enables physical topology learning via CDP
information exchanged between the Wave0 ports of the two NEs.
For NEs without OSC, manually configure the appropriate topology neighbors between all of the
connected inter-NE links by using topology neighbor commands, as in the following examples:
• For the ONS 15530 and ONS 15540, if wdm0/0 of NE1 (IP address is connected to wdm1/0
of NE2 (IP address in a point-to-point topology, add the following commands to the
configuration for interface wdm0/0 of NE1:
topology neighbor name NE2 port name Wdm1/0
topology neighbor agent ip-address
Add the following topology commands to the configuration for interface wdm1/0 of NE2:
topology neighbor name NE1 port name Wdm0/0
topology neighbor agent ip-address
• For the ONS 15501, configure unidirectional links on all connected NEs. For example, assume that
two ONS 15540 NEs (NE1 with IP address and NE2 with IP address are connected
to an ONS 15501 (EDFA1 with IP address as follows:
NE1 wdm0/1 —> EDFA1 —> NE2 wdm0/2
Add the following commands to configure EDFA1:
neighbor-in host NE1 ip port wdm0/1
neighbor-out host NE2 ip port wdm0/2
Add the following commands to configure NE1:
topology neighbor name EDFA1 port name In-Port transmit
topology neighbor agent ip-address transmit
Add the following commands to configure NE2:
topology neighbor name EDFA1 port name Out-Port receive
topology neighbor agent ip-address receive Patch Setup
Optical patches must be set up on all NEs between through interfaces, WDM interfaces, and so on.