
Bluetooth Visibility: Allows the media file to be shared or released
for the use with another Bluetooth device.
Memory Card Settings: Opens the Memory Card Settings menu,
where you can view card details, format or rename the card, and turn
Bluetooth visibility on or off.
Properties: Displays all the properties of the currently selected
Sort by: Lets you arrange all your files by Date, Type, Name or Size.
Bluetooth Visibility: Allows the selected music file or multiple files to be
shared or released for use with another Bluetooth device.
Lock/Unlock: Allows you to lock the file so it can not be deleted. Files
must be unlocked before they can be deleted.
Properties: Display all the properties of the currently selected file (Title,
Size, Format, Duration, Artist, Album, Genre, Forwarding, Created,
Ring Tunes
In this folder you can download ring tunes using the Internet browser and
manage your ring tunes.
Note: If you have inserted a microSD memory card in your phone, you can scroll right or left
while in the Media menus to view similar folders, and the files they contain, in the memory card.
Get New Ring Tunes
This option allows you to download ring tunes from your service provider.
1. From the Idle screen, press [ ] and select Media
Ring Tunes
Get New Ring Tunes. The browser launches and opens the Get
Music & Tones screen.
2. Follow the on-screen options to select and download a file.