Validity Period:
Specifies how long a message is valid. The message
must be sent and received within the specified time period or it is
removed from the text message server. Options are None, 1 Hour, 6
Hours, 12 Hours, 1 Day, 3 Days, 1 Week, 1 Month.
Default Type:
Specifies the default format of text (SMS) messages
(Text, Voice, FAX, X400, Email, ERMES).
Specifies the name of the parameter profile.
Picture Message: Lets you configure the delivery parameters used
when sending a picture (MMS) message.
Sending Options:
Specify a priority level for your messages
(High, Normal,
Select the length of time you wish the message to remain
on the MMS server
(Maximum, 1 Day, 2 Days, 1 Week, 2 Weeks,
Custom Time).
Set a time delay before the phone sends your messages
(Immediately, 1 Hour, 1 Day, 1 Week, Custom Time)
Hide Address:
Hides address information that is normally sent along
with a message.
Request Delivery Report
When this option is enabled, the network
informs you whether or not your message has been delivered.
Request Read Report
When this option is enabled, your phone
sends a request for a reply along with your message to the recipient.
Keep a Copy
Specify whether you want to keep a copy of the sent
messages on your phone.
Add my Business Card
Adds your business card to sent
messages (see “My Business Card” on page 124).
Receiving Options:
Home Network
Lets you specify how messages are retrieved from
the home network (
Choose Auto Download, Manual, Reject)
Roaming Network
Lets you specify how messages are retrieved
while roaming (
Choose Auto Download, Manual, Restricted, Reject