Entering a List of Senders to Treat Differently
(Function 81: Special Terminals)
You can enter a list of up to 50 identifications (RTI,CSI and Wild Cards) for
senders you wish to treat differently. For instance, for each identification in the
list, you have the following options.
❐ Authorized Reception: You can accept their calls and reject all others (or
vice-versa) with the Authorized Reception setting (See page 89).
❐ You can choose to make multiple copies of their messages (See page 104).
❐ Memory Lock: You can choose to lock their messages in memory ( See page 84).
❐ Specified Cassette Selection: You can choose to print their messages from the
specified cassette.
Programming the list of senders
1. Function 6 2 2 2 2 8 1 and Yes.
At this time, you can print a Pro-
grammed Special Numbers List by
pressing and Start.
2. Yes.
3. Enter RTI or CSI using the Quick Dial
key and the ten key pad.
How to enter the characters, see page
4. Yes.
5. Either:
❐ Store this RTI as a wild card: Yes.
❐ Otherwise: No.
6. Select whether you set this RTI/CSI as the
special terminal for authorized reception
using or . (if yes: ON, if no: OFF)
7. Yes.
8. Select whether you set this RTI/CSI as
the special terminal for multi copy using
or . (if yes: ON, if no: OFF)
9. Yes.