Reverse Order Printing
Normally, the machine prints the pages of received messages in the order that
they were received uncollated.
However, with Reverse Order Printing, the machine will collate the sequence by
printing the message from the last page first collated. This will make it easier to
distribute the received fax messages, and more convenient for reading them.
Reverse Order Printing will not take place unless you switch it on beforehand.
To switch this feature on or off, do the following procedure. (See page 184 if you
need more information about the User Parameter Settings adjustment
1. Function 6 2 2 2 2 6 3 and Yes.
2. Yes. The settings for switch 00 are now
shown on the bottom line of the display.
3. Press until the settings for switch 10
are shown.
4. The setting that you need to change is
digit 0 (Double underlined).
Digit 0 (Double underlined)
0: This feature is Off.
1: This feature is On.
5. If you wish to change the setting,
press 0 of the ten key pad.
6. Finish: Yes and Function