6. Either:
❐ If you want to program the label for
this Speed Dial, press Yes.
❐ Do not program a label for this num-
ber: Press No and go to step 9.
7. Enter a label.
Inputting and editing labels: see page 166.
8. Yes.
9. Switch Label Insertion On or Off using or
, then Yes.
10. Either:
❐ Program another: Go to step 2.
❐ Finish: Function.
Editing a Speed Dial
1. Function 3 2 and Yes.
2. Input the Speed Dial Code that you wish
to edit (from 00 to 49).
If you want to edit Speed Dial code 01,
enter 0 1 on the ten keypad.
NOTE: You can search through Speed
Dial codes using and .
3. Yes.
4. Edit the number.
❐ Enter numbers at the cursor which can be moved
using the and key. Use Clear to delete a digit.
After entering the new number, press
5. Either
❐ Change the label: Edit the existing
label, then press Yes and go to
step 6.
❐ Keep the label as it is:
press No and go to step 8.