
Tutti t_e _[Vorl _r_dset t_e _rlpu_selector to
"VCR"w_fichever _tppl_cable_deo irlput,
Refer to the _[V _rlst_uct_ori tx_arlual fbr how _o
switch _he YV _rlput.
2 Tutti t_e DVI) video card,era/recorder on.
The iltlL_ge t]mt tile I)V]) Video camera/
recorder _s see_r_g will appear or_ the _[V screeri,
You taxi '_so rnoxlitor the krlatge ori the _,C])
screen or v]ewfirlder of the I]VI] video card,era/
3 Perform playback, recordixlg or edttirlg.
You caIiper forrrl_flayback, edi_ixlg or ed_tir_g ori
I)isc Nav_g_tior_ while checkir_g or_ TV screen.
P_j_G|_le volume o_sou_ O_W.
The inf_re0 remo_e _h'ol is _s_ul whet_oper_lit_ the
DVD video _er_'reco_e_ while viewil__an im_'_geo_
TV _¢_ee_. _owever, ifyo_ _se a _ita¢_i VCR, the
remo_ec_l_trol may i_adver_enlly Operate the VCR if it is
_ear t_le DVD vitJeo _merM_rde_ TOpreve_l t_lis,
set t_e _emote _ntnol code of t_e VCR to a po_ilion
othe_th_n '%'C_".
Info_m_ol_ lha_ t_e DVD video _mer'_rec_rder is
reco_Jin_ will _ppe_ Onthe IV _¢_e_: YO_cal_ ttl_o
¢Jisplayonly p_r_of inforr_alion or switc_ oil t_e _i_play.
R_r _ "S_il_ Ol_-Screel_ Displ_ O_tput On or Off
(OS_ OutpuW on pa_e _0_, m_€_press t_e _I_PLA_"
b_r_o__oswitch t_e display sl_|us.
W_en _py-gu_od disc i_ pl_ye_ _acK, _o ir_age will
_ppear on TV screen.
If_u _e TV with wide mo_e (aspoci ralio _6:_))an_ s_
t_e TV to t_e witJe motJe, t_e e_re Disc Mavi_aUol_
¢Jisplaymay no_ be ¢Jispl_ye_ ol_ l_e TV screen. If l_is
happens, release the witJe_o_e s_il_ ol_TV _seethe
_%tins_r_¢Uol_ _an_al for _le_si_l the wide _ode).