OUsing Remote Control
Poir_tt_Jeret_ote coIitro]to t_Jeinfrared re_:eiveron tile 13_tI)video c_n_rairecorder. l%e remote
_:o_trol]able distarlce is u_ to 1_ fee_(5m).
• W_lei_tJsi13_t_l$ romo|$ coital, make 8LlrOt_lat _J_l_
irff_red receiver o_ DV[3video canlerMrec_er is _ot
expo_e_ to dire_ sLinli_htor _ intense light. Ifthe
irff_red receiver is subject to li_j_ s_nger _ 6_e
irff_red lightfrom remote control, the DV[3 video
c_me_re_rd_r c_rmrlotbe ope_|_d by ren1_e cor_rol.
• If there is_m_obs_cle 13etwee_ the romo|e ¢_nVol a_d
ir_d reviver o11I_I] vi_eo _er_'i_o_er,
remote ¢_r_rol m_ _ot 13epo_i_le.
• The E7#13video c_tnlerMrecorder u_e_ the _v_CH_"
renlote con{rolcode of Hi_chi VCR_. If_,otl u_e e I_i_:_c_li
VCR, etc. with remo_e c_m_tro[code _et to _VCle_ ",aVCR
placed near the I]VD video c_me r_irecor_er will _1_obe
operated bythe remote control: TOpne_em_tthis, change
the remote co_kol code of the VCF_.