
YOU can divide a scene into two parts,
fo delete u_Jxiecessary [JortJo_i of sce_ie, first divide tile s(_erle, arid t_J_rl delete the Urlrle(_essar3_ portion.
1 Press the DISC NAVIGATION button.
2 Selec_t tile scene to be divided,
3 Press the MENU button.
4cfJoose, 'scex,e","Edit°,
*_I)ivide" _ld thezl IJress
tile I_/11 bu'_or],
5 T_le _'Divide Scene"
screenwill ap;Jear: Ifyo u
are sure you want to
divide the selected scezle, press tliel_/ll buttozl:
The se]ected sce_e will be pl_;ed back,
If you want to char_ge tile sterne to be divided,
you carl char_ge it on this screen,
The selected scer_e wi]l be pl_¢ed back,
6 Wl,e,, you reac?_ tile
poixlt where you warJt to
dtv_de the scene, press
tile SE] ,ECT b Lltlozi,
7 T?,e, e,ifbr verifying
d [v_sil.m will appear:
C?loose _¥XS", and tllerl
press tile I_111 l)tl_oII,
C?loose "NO" to carl_:el
Status bar _ _,_i_ e
I_oingpla'/od back
After dPf_iozl, tile "DivideScene" screen will
be restored,
Repe_ steps 5_7_ d_v_de another scene,
Ifyogipr_ the tdENU bu_tonbel_re pressin_ _hek/I I
_ut;on in _top 5, the sul_men_lscreen willapp_ r.(P.112)
The st_hJs _ar of sc_i_o boii_ played _ack can I_e
sw_chotJ o_ or on _y proz,sil_g foo DISPLAY huron.
_earch _nd fK_mo at'lvai_ceare u_e_lwhen d_ig naming
dfvision p_fnls.
If a _pocfa] effo_ has been _¢Jed _ the original scene,
the °IN" of_ will_e ad_otJ _ tho first half of _eeno, an_
the "OUT __ct, _ tho labor _al_
The dfvfsion p_fnt ma_ ¢Jrff;bel_re Or a_er the
desigi_|od poiof _y _pp _xin_a_efy 0.5 _i_ds.
_inca _ sceno wi_h_ ski_ set can n_r;bo pl_d I_¢k, i_o
dfvision pofnt _i_ be specif etJ: hlolo_se the ski_for the
scone _elore dfvftJin_ il.
Ift_e _Msiol_ pofnl i_ _ as_ilf,a mes_afe will _ppear, but
no dfvision win I_omado.
If the _ivisioi_ _oi_t i_ a_tho s_ar_or end of a scene,
mess_e will appear, _| no divisfon will be m_de.
A movfe sc_i_owhose recor_in_ tired fs 0.5 _ntJs or
Ions canno| I_odiuide_.
If free s_ce _fl_Ne on dfsc isins_'¢ion|, dfvfsion will
not be p_ssiNo: Delete _i_necoP._ary scene_.
P_oP._sfng the I_Ll_t_nOnthe scJeei_ for vorilic_oi_ win
_os|ore the thumbnail dfs_la_ sc.J'oei_.
8 Press the button to qi_t,