
Creating DVD Video on PC from DVD.RAM Disc
Recorded on DVD Video Camera/Recorder
Usilig DVD-MovioAIbutciSE alid MyDVD, _,_uo_tnott_to _tDVD vid(!o (DVD-R diso) from tho itci_g(!s
_cordod oil this DVD _#dco cumoratr_!cot_tor,foltowing the ptocodu_ below:
1[:lsert a recorded ])VI)-RAM disc _nto the I)VI)
video camera/recorder, and co:meet the I)VD
video c_unetairecordet to tire USI_ terrr_nal of
2 Start I)VI)-Mov[eNbtLE_SE, arid edit the
itx_ages o[_ I)V])-I_M disc as [_ecessary.
3 Right-crick tfJe tl_urt _b:J_l from whid_ you wTsl_
_o crea_e a I)VD video on ttle I)VI)-
MovieAlbumSE scree:_, _d execute "Export".
4The "Program Export" screel_, s]lowl_ below,
will appear: Choose "SarapeResolutJon" and
checl_"Use I)VD-V[Oeo ° i:rtl_e "Ex_ort Mode"
settMg box. C_]oose "704 x 480
(recot_me_d ed)" for "Resolution".
Choose "Divide by MarkoC'in _e "O_ioa" b_: Each
s¢o_e Of_ro_ram r@corded On tile DVD vi_oo
_me_'Mr@o_rder will be Savod _ _ il_¢Je_e_tJe_
movie file $o _ ex_or_ can _e exocLl_ed a| high
speod. If yo_ do ao_ choose "DivicJo by Marker",
movie files m_ be __ifie_ al_tJre-o_tJed, _o i_m_y
t_k_ time to _port them./3VD-MovioAIt_ m_E may
a_rloma_ically re-o_o3_o _ movie re_rde_ i_ _o
XTRA mode _l_aiaiag _idly moviag $co_es (_
M_S or bighorn, rosa _logs of_o _Divi_o by M_kor"
s_il_, an_ i| m_'f _ake_.,ome@meto ox_o_the movie
Any 1Ji¢._Onwhich $¢._es w@re_mbinetJ (see p_e
__} on Disc Navig_ol_ of this D_D vicJeo camera,'
r@COrderi_ _el_codetJ, _o i| m_qyt_k@lime to @0_ori
b_e-on_tJil_ m#qtca_$o image q_li_ to ¢Jetorio_
DOi_olchoo_e "_implo Export' i_the "Export MocJe_
s_il_ box: Choo$il_ it may Sto_ _x_or_ midw'ay.
Click tf]e Start butto:] to start export.
6 Wl_e:l export _s cotz_p]ete, message "Tl_e file
exporting was completed successfuBy.
])o you wLsh to create a 'I)V] )-Vkteo' disc or arl
'Mi_ I",Gfile' disc?" will appear, C?_eck the s] haL1
box for "Eject the d_sc being used", a[_d tf_en
click "Yes'.
[r_sert a brand-new ])VI)-R disc _xltotJ_e I)VD
XrJ d_o (__L_'i era/Fe_ord_T.
7 I)VD-MovJeAlbumSE will automatScal]y e:_d,
and tl_e "Expo_ to I)isc ° screen will appear:
Click the "Start" button.