
Recording Movie
_,_^"f3 * IrTs_rt a roc._rdablo DVD-RAM or DVD-R disc into _lis DVD rid €._ c,amor-WBefore You
F'res$ii_g F_EC
once will Star_
pre_i_ it
once again will
to mporarily
stop re_ling.
_r _iteh
1 Tu:_ t) e I]VD _mrtera/recorder or.
Setthe power switch to "l_ V] I] EO" "_oturn the
DV]) video cmnerairecorder om
Alter the ACCESS/PC i_dicator goes out,
pe_orm tl_e s_sequer_ oper_ioIl:
2 Checkthe subjecton the screen(viewfir_der or
If us_r_g the vteWfLrlder, ptLll tt out,
3 Press the I{PC button.
Th_ 11 I1"rr_k _rlth_ vte_Lrldt_r orOzl_ht_LCI]
screen will char_ge to the tl R_¢" trek, and
!_co!_ilig _,¥Jl]staFt,
Durirlg recordJs_g, the recording ir*dieator on
the front of I]V] ) v[deo card,era/recorder ",_il]
Presst[_g [_EC agoJn durk_g recording w[ll set
the ])VD video camera/recorder to the
reco_di_g pause statvs,
Se_tnd is recerded _o111_e $_reo m]ctophOl3e oll the
Imt_t of [_}D vir_ee ¢_me_re_rder: T_Ke_re fern this
microphe r_e[8 RUOfblOC._e_.
YOLI¢_1_pre_S Ule REC bLl_t_0i_immedi_|ely _er the
DV_ video ¢_il_er_'_cer_er e_l_r_ the re_lirlg p_Lise
_t_h_8, b_ _lefurther re_rd[ng _1 be ullage while
"[31_C ACCE88" is _ein_ displayed.
Re_rdin_ will _tar_ _ffer the moss_e ¢Ji_,_ppe_.
De not tLirnpc_.*..oroff while il_et,_ge "_l_C ACCESS" [_
_ebg di_playorJ.
_ke _re _ power i_ r_o_irr0_rr_g_ed while the
ACCE88/PC i_¢Jic_er i_ blinking.
The minimum rl_rdab[e time Ofmovie [__pp_m3_ly
3 _r_ds.
_ee pa_e 103 for s_i_g Of Record LE_ (re_rdbg
i_dic_e 00_/Off.
For v_r[e_s func_[er_savailable _r[_lg recofdin_, _ee
"S_i_l_ Up C_il_e_a F_nc_on_" on pa_e 90.
Hi_achi ¢_r_no_be reSl'_ r_siblefor video _r_d_utJio _ot
_i_i_ot be rl_,_rde_ or etJite_ because Of3ny _efe¢_.
The power Switc_ ¢_r_be eh_i_ed over _i_ du_i_
_ce _Jii_, b_| the epe_',_ier_will not be eh_i_ged.
E3¢._ time the DV[_ v[tJeo _il_era/r_cer_er ei_r_ Ule
_cer_i_g p_e _ta_, _e ce_oter ¢Ji_pk_ywill _e r_et
to _:00:00 ".
When usin_ £t,}l_ R di$¢, de i_otperform the folI_ving, or
dat3 er_the _is¢ may r_ be read:
_Jsir_g_no_er device, doing _ddifio_l re_rding on
_I_R ¢Ji_,¢receded er__i_ _D video _me_ai
_Jsi_g _i_ [_1] video c_me_recemer, €_ei_
adrJi_ional recording on _}I_R di8¢ recer_ed on
aide,her devi_
It i8re_mme_ded U_t y_t_s_ the LOCK _¢i_h Io d_
it_ the I_) Io pr_#ent the power _*_it_ in _e "l_
VII_EO" pesitioe _rom _eei_er_ny reeving to"L)
4 Whet] recordtr]g is f_]shed, tur_t the ])V]]
video car_ierairecorder off
_ee =Check I"on p_'_leI_3 when re_rd[ng movieisnot
• 8oe "Check4_oi_p_e I_3 ifittake__eme fime i_ofore
• _ee "Che¢_ 5"o_ p_ge I(_4iftheDV13 vi_eocai1_e_'
rece_fJerdoes i_otoperate.
• _ee p3_e 52 fore_c.4eei_[nfon1_[e_dispk'_Z
• Itis_i1_men_od _t TIOLI_e DV13_I_ discfrom
which re_rded cen_nt_ can be del_ed.