
Ch¢_t_to_ _ fo#_wir_ b_fore askil_ tota rop_,i_ #_ sugg¢ s_d _lution _till _*nnot restore _ DVD
vid(_ot;umt_r_Iret;or_t:r t_ l_orr_el, do not attt:mpt to repair ityouts(_ff, but t,'onsult your _ul(!_
Power supplies
3atLe_, carTnoibe Is LheambienL temperature too low or Loohigh?
Charge Lhebe_{ieryat 50=86=F('1040=C).
Is Lhebe[;ieryabnor_ally hoL?
Remove Lhebattery, leaveitfor a while tocool down, ther_charge it.
IsLheDOpower cod connected toAC a_apLer/cha_er? Ur_plugit.
Has ihe badery beer; ur;usedfor a long tittle?
Rerr_oveihe battery, and then ree[dach it. If Lheba_iery is8Lillnot
charged, it truly be _ead: Pu;_hase a new one.
* If Lhebe[_ierydoesnoi che[rge after youtry ihe abeo.'efour
proc,edures, ii may be dea_: Purchase e new datLer_t
3atLery w_eakensfast Are you _s_ngihe IA.'D video camera/recorder where ihe
Lemperat_lreis low?
A fully charged battery (DZ-BP14S or DZ-E]P_4SW) may be 41
discharge_ s_r_er Lh_nus_lal at lowter_pe_i_res. Keep 8xLra
datieries on h_r_d.
Battery may be dead.
The per_rrnance of batLerywill deLerio_te if itis _se_ _r an 42
e..xten_e_perio_ of iime or frequenily: P_lrchase a new b_der_
the CHARGE indicator Is LheambienL temperature too low or Loohigh?
_nAOad_pterfch_rgeris Charge Lheb_iery in enviror_menLwhere LheiemperaLure is 50-
blinking. 86=F ('1040=C).
The b_dery h_s possibly disch_ed excessively. ConLinue 39
cha_ing: After a while, Ihe datLery will becharged to Lhespeci_ed
volLage,and the CHARGE in_icater will light. Then the da_iery
cha_e will de cor_pleLed normall_
Is datiery cha_ed?
Charge ii.
_8r lurns of_
i_¢r_ediately#ier being
COhenpower is iurned
#n, the LCD screen will
_urnon and of_.
_er goes off
Is Power Save set Lo"On"?
I_the powered I_D video carrera/recor_8r is lefLfor as Iorlgas 5
rrirtuies wiLho_drecording or ple[ybackwith "P,TwerSav_: Off
speci_ed,it will auLorraUcally LurnoffLosave da_iery power. To 102
resiarLrecor_ ing inLhiscase, seLLhepower swiLchLO"POWEROFF"
an_ Lherlseiit Lo"IVl DEO_.Youcarl alsospecify "Power Sere: OfP'
Lostep euterrdic poweroff.
_er c_'[nnotde iurned Detech Lhedatiery orAC edepter/charger once, and then press Lhe
#f[ RESET du_Lortof DVD video camera/recoder: ReatLacha power --
supply LoEA.'Dvi_eo c_'[rr_er_reoorderd_fore L_rr_ingii or_egain.