• Th5st_ezsagemaya_s_appear_hend_rtadherest_dLsc_ft_dsmes_agea_J_earSwher_arec_rdeddLsc
is recogriized immediately 'after JtTsix)sected, do r_ot repa]r tile dTsc;remove it aIid then use a soft, dr),
cloth to clemi dry the d_rt before t_sixlg it,
• ThAs t_iessage t_iay also appear wberi conderisation occt_rs. Iri this case, do r_ot repair the disc; tutti the
1)_]) video camera/recorder off, wa]t mit]l it dries out, _.r_dtheri turri ]t Orlagain,
• _fthe repast message appears when you ttzr r_tile I_VI_video caniera/recorder or_frotxi offwJth a disc
loaded after record_rlg orl JL choose repair.
• _fthe repa]r message _Jpears wher_ recording aIid playback are nor_ r_'_ly po_tble wit]l anothec drsc -
arid r_o COrlderlsatiori occurs arid tile disk TSz_ot dirty - c?_oose repair,
ThSs message zr_¢ _ so appear when d_rt adheres to drsc. _r_tilts case, do riot irittt_iz, etile disc; remove
it arid then use a soft_ dr), dotb to clean the d Jet beff._re usJzlg Jr,
Th_s message may also a_pear wher_ Corlderlsat_on occurs, In tb_s case, do riot iritti_ize the dLsc;tu rT_
file DVD video camera/recorder drY,wait ur_til it d rie_sout, arid _lier_ttzr r_it orI agaix_,
[r_tti_3iz_tior_will delete a_l data ori d_sc.
Th_s message m_y also a_pear when d_rt adheres to disc. Remove file dLsc axld then use a soft, dry d orb
to clearl the dk't before usirlg it.
T_'_s me_sage may _3so appear wher_ condensation occuz_. Wait ur_til file I)VI_ video caniera/record er
dries out, ,_id t_erl turn _t on agair_,
Th_s meossage wJl] a_pear when a sirlgle-s_ded disc is irlserted iri reverse. Rektsert the dLsccorrect32,_
I.]z)se_ t the d_sc with t]_e label profited st_rfhce fack_g t]_e outside.)