
eContinuously recordable time with
fully charged battery {with no zoom
operation, etc,)
Seethe _bl]owirlgtable as a re_erence _brh_w lo_lg
be used with affu]lycharged battery:
KI-RA_t Whsn using
Viot_,l_llder approx 1l-0 I]qiil
Whsn using
LCD ncnitcr 8pprox 120 rain
=INE When using
vi_lld_r approx la0 rain approx 13_ rain
When using
LCD ncnitcr approx 120 mill approx 115 rail]
STD When using
vLm_d_llder approx 18_ rain approx 180 rain
When using
LCD ncnitcr approx 135 rain approx 130 rain
_PGM"_ Whsn using
vLm_d_lld_r approx 13_ mill
When using
LCD ncnitcr approx 115 rain
For DZ-MV580A
_IRA _I When using
vLm_.,'finder _pprox 130 rain
When using
LCOn_nit_r approx 110 rain
:INE Whsn using
vi_nder approx 130 rain approx 12b rain
Whsn using
LCOn_nit_r approx 110 rain approx 10b rain
STD When using
vi_nder approx lbO rnin approx lZ-brnin
When using
LCOnCnit_r approx 12b rain approx 120 rain
_PCM% When using
vLm_.,'finder approx 12b rain
When using
LCOn_nit_r approx 10b rain
]'he reference for how long the DVD video
camera/recorder can actually be used will
be approx, 1/2 to 1t3 of the above time:
The conti_mous]y reco_dable time of I]VI] video
cafflerair t_corder _n th_ ]e__ L_.b]t_shows th_ tit_it_
ir_ the recording mode without us[r_g ar_y other
fuxmtior_ after record_rlg is started, In _ctual
recordir_g, the baitery will discharge 2_3 Umes
faster tharl this reference, sirlce the I_;C buttorl arid
ZOOm are beir_g operated, m_d playback is
perfbrmed. Asstune that the actually recordab]e
t_rle witJ_ a fidly charged batteq is betweerl [/2
and 1/3 of the above tithe, mid prepare er_ough
batter'Les to allow for the t[t_e you are plarmirlg to
record or] the I]VI] video camera/recorder,
The contir3uous]y recordab]e t_r3e may be less
deperldirlg on the corlditJons wheri the D_t D rid eo
camera/recorder fs used Of recordirlg arid
recordir_g pause are repe_ted at short _rltem, als,
Note that the battery discharges faster In cold
eThe time taken for charging the
battery is 165 minutes at 77_F
See pa£e 17_ wherl cha_[ng ]_ I_0| poz,s]ble.
The ¢J_a_le _]111ew[ll v_P_,¢Jepel_rJ]l_£On the 13artery
remainin_ level.
DLir[n_ and alter 6h_in_, the 13a_et-twill be w_rm, 13_|
thi_ does nol iadicate a radii.
A battery cannol be cha_ed while the DC power _rd i_
c_nnected tothe _30OLdpLItjack Of/\C ada_erichar£er:
U _p[Lig the DC power cord when 6h_r£in£ a 13at_er_
Char£e the battery _ ambiea|temperature 50OF_ _8_F
(10°C to _0_C): Cha_lin_a altemperac_res olherlhan thi_
renge _10 danla£e the 13atcer_