
$Display when recording an image of yourself
When _ci.l_irlg with the I,CI) screen faciIig tile stone direction as tile lens,
the o_eratirlg status wJl] appe_, and iri_ddit]ori, tlle battery remairliIig level
will blirLk wllen the battery has Mmost rio _m_ning dlarge,
l_le foEowiIig operatirlg statu_ irldicator will light or b[irlk to give warning
rne_age to Llser,_[he rne_age c_l be checked wheri returning the I,CI)
morfitor [80 _to the ori#nal status frownthe status in wllk:_] the I,CI) screen
was facing the s_ne dire_ k.ln as the lens,
No wam_ngitx_e_ssage (see page 52) w]E _pear when recordklg with tlle _,CD screen facklg the sa_ne
direc_k.ln as the lens,
]xJstead, the fi.llli.lw]ng screen display symbols will blkLk to inform you of the operatiori status of I)VI)
video camera/recorder,
When the I,CI) _non]tor is turrled 180° from the pi.ls]tion with the I ,C]) screen facing the same dire_ k.ln
as the lens, the warning/message caIi be c?_ecked,
•A wrile-protected disc is Ioa_e_.
•A locked car_ is Ioade_.
An atter_ptto r_cord a stillisb_ing made with a
O DVD-R disc _s_d.
An unusable_is¢ is loaded.
• Th__maining capacity on_isci_ approaching0.
•Th_ rer_aining capacity on _is¢ or Car_ i_
approaching 0.
110 •There i_no remaining capa¢iLy on disc or card.
An atl_mpt io record a copy-g_lard_ imag_ fs
being made.
[_ Opemli=_ stotu_ _
warnil_ me_sago
Bakery _em_it_in_
If the LCD screen is$0| facit__ _he_rne direction as_helens, the LCD Screen will displaya mirror image ([OR_nd right
If the LCD $creet_ is set _cing the _mo _ire_ion _s the lens, _ c_n _1_oview sLib[ec_ image i_ the viewfit_o_
J'dtho_h yo_ c_ _wRch tothe rnan__l IOCLI_,_o_ re _nd o_screen display mo_e$ e'_n _ ring recor_it_ with LeD
Screen facit_ the same direcUot_a_ len_, thay win not a_e_r on the Screen.