| Id
Before You Begin
* Be sure to use the AC adaptortoha_or to power tho DVD video oarnoroi
rDcordor when finalizing o DVD-R dksc.If the DVD video c.3mor-_rDcordor
i8turned offduting finalization and the ffnalization i8 irTtorruptod, irToorroct
firTalization will result, and at worst, the disc may be damaged,
If you want to play back a DVD-R disc recorded on this DV_D video cameraJrecorder, using a device
conforming to 8 cl_ DVD-R disc - such as aDVI) player, etc, -you mu_t finalize the disc on this DVD
video camer_l_corder, (See "Tel_nhmlot_,'", El60)
131efi_l'_laed DVD-R d_sc carl be played :.ina I]VI) player, as "I)V] ) Video": _le date of prograr_ will
appear on the metal screen of ISVI) player as a title,
'1 Press the I)[SG NAVIGATION button.
Press the MENU b_ltton.
3 _]OOSe "_"inallze I_Js(_" on the "])ksC _ ]y]elIl_l
screen, axedthen press the _/II b_lttorL
The disc will be fina/Jzed,
4 c?,oose arid the_
preSS I_lt_ I1_/I I button,
T[']_ tt_ess_ge s_]ow_lg
that the disc is being
f_)_3ized will appear,
and _hedisc will _hen be
® WLlla£;pear on _he I_sc
Navigatio_ screen _br a
f_ralLzed disc.
_1"_ ¸" )
Finalized I_¢D-R 0i$¢
When f_)aliT, atiml kscotx_p]ete, the Dksc
N avig_tion scree_ of'all pro_a_ns wLl]appear.
on I_2D player)
• Do noi f nalize _ di$¢ reeoroJed oa this E_¢Dvideo
_llller&_¢eco_er L15il3__lly Olher d_iee.
• NO re_rdi_9 can _ _o_e o_ _y E3_D_F__Ji_.*¢th_ h_
bee_ T"_a[ized.
• fftho di_.,cinthe 124E)v]_Jeo¢_mer_'re¢o_'Je_ has _lre_Jy
bee_ I_[ized, _u _o_ oheo_e _Fi_al]ze Di_.,¢_.
• Be _ _ela Lt$othe AC adaplar1¢harger whei_fi_aliz]_l
ff_naliz_en i_ inlarrv _ied by power off,the di$¢ will ao_
I_e finalize_ ¢otrecby, or i_may I_edamaged.
• The lime _e_ttire_J_ofinalize disc ih_ _p_e_r8 on the
"Finalize E)is¢"$¢#eei_ is only for reforei_ce.
• The shetier the _e¢o_ii_ time o_ di$¢, the loamieritwin
lake _oflaalize it.