Powerdoesnoicome on, E_ecut8 systerhi_set (pressthe RESET bunion). 181
_rnoopereiionoccurs by Hasthe I_,'D video carrer_'recor_er beerTsubjsGI.edto irrpaci?
pressirTgbudon. The [_P4Dvideo camgrairecorder coul_ be _amgg8_. Consuli'>,our --
Fh8_ate arid lithe al_ Has the I_,'D video car_er_'recor_er beerl leftunuse_ fora long
incen'gct, leriod _f iimg?
The irTternalbackup memory ba_iery mey be discharged:
Che_e it.
Noscenecan bedeleied. Is the cursor placed on lhe scerT81obe deleted?
IfIh8 selected scene (framed inred).e.xisis,thatscene willbe deleled 108
8_n ifyou useyellow cursorto selecl any scene. Check thecolors
of cursors and bar g_[ph on ihe thumbnail screen.
Disccannol bergmo_d. Did yokldetach the batlery or AC ada_igdcharger beforesgtling bT8
)ower swilch to °POWER OFF'?
Conngct the badefy orAO edaptgr/charger, s81hie power _ilch to 43,48
_JLVIDEO" arTblhen "POWER OFF", end _mov8 the disc.
DrVDvideo camera,' Is ihe rerrlol8 corTtrolpoirTtedei the infrared receiver oft I]A/Dvideo
"8cordsrcannot be cerr_eredrscor_er?
#perated from _mole Point it ei the infrared recei_er to operate ihe 1_'[3 video camgral
Islhe infrared receivgr on I]A/D vid8ocamered_corder exposed to
direcisunlight or strong rluorescsni lighi, eLc.9
The rerrlot8 control cerTnoioperate the [/VD vi_80carrlered_corder 34
when siror_glightslrikesihe irffra_ rgcei_r. A_just th8place or
angle of the I]A/Dvideo camgra;recorbe_:
Isihe_ ba_iery in lhe _mole conirol?
Also check ihe poleriiiesof batler_ The batte_' couldbe dsab:Try 33
_placir_g it.
Isihe I_'D video camera/recorder powered9 48
T_rr_il on.