8 Myl )VI_ will automat[c_lyst_u't, After a few
mOITleI_, _ _xpOrted scene v_iH be
autom_cal_ registered or_ the MyDVI_
editiTlg streeT1;
Now you ca_l change the D_D menu to the
desired style, change the title, etc. on tiffs
editing screen.
9 CLick the Burn batton: Wr [tir]g to DVI_-I_ disc
will st'a_t. WheIi writ [r_gLscom_l_e, a DVI)
video disc will be created.
_[heIi the dLsc cover of this I)V] )v_deo camera/
recorder will open automatically
•The men_ screencreatedon MyDVD willnot_ppe_ron
thisDVD videocameraire_rder.
AISO,depending On thewrit_e_coverts,theimag_
m_%ynotbe play_bleon thisDVD vitJeocamera[reco_er.
h_suchc_es, _seastandardB'4Dplayertodisplaythe
•The fonc_ingtableshows therecord_ble_me on 8 cm
DVD_R discfromMyDVI_ The re¢ordabletimeisshorter
tha_th_ of8 cm DVD-RAI_ _iscbecause MyDVD
alwaysrecordsaLidiointhe LPCM formal.
STD Appn_. 40 mimdes
FINE Approx. 2,5rhinut_s
XTRA ki least 18 minui_$
If "Style _created on MyI_VI ) TSa movie or there
m_y thumb_ai/s, the recordab]e t_rle will
be less tha_l that showr_ in the above table,
Th8 following discscreated on My[_]D cannoi be
played back on ins _¢D video camerair_c_rd_r:
Discs contairlingNide show (*'1)
• Discs _dthno audio
I Discs _dthaudio Ior_geror shorterthan video
*1Car_ot be created oxl Myl)_D depexldirlg oxl
tile version.
• "Slide Show" can be created _ming photo files o_
I_y@¢O, but itwill _ot be playable on this @4D video
• A DVD vitJeocan be oea_ed _om MPEG files ol_ PC
Lisi_g I_yDVD, I_ut it may i_ot be playable o_ thi_ DVD
video came_'rec_rde_