With Windows ® 2000 Pro_ssional/XP:
1 Set tile power switch] on DVI] video c_nera/
recorder to _'_ VI])F,O", arid use tile PC.
coIlIle_r_[i.ln cable Io ci.lrlIlect [t ti.lt_le PC.
Oper_ _Systern '_o_ C_._ntro]Pane], _d ther_
dick"Device Mar_ager" uxlder the _Har4ware"
3 I)e]ete HITACHI I)V])-I_M ])Z-MV5 lJSH
I)evice ir_ _'I)VDiC])-ROM drive".
4 IfVoLIri_C uses WJIIdows _ 2000 ProfessionS.
delete H[q_AGH[ I)V])-I_AM DZ-M_t5 USB
I)evk:e in _'l)isk drives _,
IfvoLlr I_CLlsesWirldows ®,orthe file carlflot be
Ibuxld, proceed with the r_ext step:
5 I)e]ete Hitaclli ])VDCAM DVD Mode USB HS
Ir_terface in _USB (Universal Seria] Bus)
c_._ntro]lers" .
If tf3e item cat,not be figured, proceed w_th the
zle_ step:
6 Close ¸Device MaIJager.
If tf3e _neossage f_._rrestart atJpears, cJAck"No".
7 Ifyour i_C uses W_x_dows _ 200_ Professioz_al,
_._penthe c: \_m_\ _}_ f_.flder.
IfVomitI_C uses W_x_dows _ XP, open the
c : \wz_13ows\ I_F folder,
If the IN F fi.llder c_rl:lot be foand, use E_:pli.lrer
tO choose tile ""fools _ Iller]lA, "Folder Opfiorls",
"View _tab, a_d the_ "Sh_._w all files _d
tblders': Click "OK" a_id then try aguish,
8 Use ap_flicafio:_ softnvare '_Notepad" _;rovided
with Wtx_dows ®to oper_ the _._etz_*.]zfffiles (_
re£;resents a _Klrrlbe_) from t_]e file with the
?l]gher r_utztber. Search filr the files with the
fbHowing er_tr3, or_the secor_d a_d th_ lir_es,
axed the:_ delete thegn:
;H[taclfi I)VI )CAM USB I)river [_JstatlatJ on I
;Support OS: W_ndows _ 2000 i_rolessio_3
a_d W x_dows _ XI
Exte_sio_ '_._ff" may _ot appear, depez_g or_
the sett_x_gof PC.
9 Also delete the oerrl_,i_Ni z files with the sarape
_urr_ers as those of the files d_eted i_ step 8,
_0 Disconrle_t the IW]) video camera/recorder
frotx_ PC, arid fl_en restart the PC,
f_._uxfir_st_l tf_e other aptfl[cafioz_s, use "Cor_trol I _el" to oper_ _'Add or l_emo_ e At;plicat_or_s", choose
tf_e al_plicat k_z_st_._he ur_ir_staHed i_ot_ the d_stflayed list of'al_plicat_._ns, arid tf_en click the °Change/
Re, hove" button,
A_Ot _nin_tallk_fi _of_cc'are,be s_re to _esis_t Ihe PC.