14 15 16 17 1B 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26
14 Viewfinder(_ 34)
15 Diopter control (P. 34)
Toadjust the foct_ of image a£;peanrlg i:l 1he
vJewf_xlder. _l_u]lout the v[ewY_lder.)
16 ACCESSfPC indicator {R 8, 49, 50)
Wi]l bl_ or lig_ltwheIi the d_c _l I)VI ) video
g_merair_corder is agce_st_d(v_,_Jt_or _ad J5
executed) or the I:WI) v_deo camera/recorder
is cor]_iec_ed to PC.
17 DISC EJECT button (P. 44)
I_F_S5dowu arid rt_]t__st_this b uttI.lrl to o|_eu t_l_
d_sc guide,
18 Disc insertion block |P. 44)
19 CARD ACCESS indicator (R 8, 50)
20 Card insertion block (P. 47}
21 Battery attachment platform (R 40)
22 Record button (REC) (R 49)
23 Power _witch (P. 48, 4_, 50}
24 LOCK switch (R 50)
It is recotxlmerlded that you set the _,OCK
switch to _b"(to the left) to prexe_lt the £;ower
switch irI the "_ V]I)EO" posJtioIi from
accid er]talty ]novirlg to "L_ PHOTO ".
25 Speaker (P, 58)
26 Hand strap (P. 31}