-r]l_ i)T_c N av-_gat_on t_ode ,wiLl "allow a varie_ of further o|_era'_[ons,
. . .
OBlation of scenes drdl_l / You _in _81eteunnet_ssary scenes. 1`11
E_itirTgof scenes _ Youcan attach f_de _uTdskipto _ scene, `113- `117
_ornbine sc_nss, or divi_8 one scans.
Scene iriforrrmtion IBal/ Youc_iridisplayinformaUonorloriesc_rl8 122
2sptsy _rmultiplescerTss,s_lch _s imageq_lality,
"scorning tithe, etc.
3h_nging tiile _ YOU¢_n change lh8 litl8 orplay list or 124, 132
3rsation ofptsy lisl _ Youc_[ncrsat8 an original rnovi8 by 126
shanging th8 corrldination of scenes.
Discor Card iniCi_dizaliorT _/ Youc_[ninili_dizsaCA/D-RAMdiscorcard 135
so lh_i it can be use_ onthis DVDvi_eo
3_[trlero/rscor_ eE
Copyfromdisc to card drdlBIIB/ Youc_[ncopypholosrscords_ orl I_'D- 1"18
RAM disc_oc_[_d.
Disc _nalization ! You c_[nuse thisEPCDvidso carhereV 137
_scor_er to finalize any EPCD-Rdisc
_scor_ed on it so ih_i the disc c_[nbe
_'iew_don EPCDptsye_elc.
Rspee[i play drdl_ll__r-_ll Youcan i_peale_ly play beck prograrhs 138
an_ sc,enss.
Slideshow / Youc_[nptsy beck stillscor_iir_uously. 139
Rsrnaining displpy dr-JIEt_i _rdr_ The rsrnaining recor_adierhovietirr=eor 134
[Capacity) 'lurr=derof recordabl8 stillsis displays_.
Disc proisction _ Youc_[nprotecl ihe I_rVD-RAMdisc to 134
or_rventdeletionor ediiing by rhisiake.
Scene lock / Youc_[r_lock any scene so thai itwill r_ot 1"19
08deleied bymistake: Essential sc,enss
at8 ihereby proiscted, and recordirlg
anoiher siill is pos.sible.
DPOF sstling / Youc_[r_set lhe nurr_derof prints foreach 120
EtJit[ng f_=_c'_o=_s(_u mbeai[, skip, fade) are original to this I_E) v[tJeo cameo'recorder. When a _i$¢ _ita_ o=_this EY,}D
vi_ camera/recorder i_ _irect[y playe_ beck on a EY,_D_RAM re,order 0 rrea_ into I_C, the etJiti_g results will _ot be
reflected inthe play_ackor reatJin£. TOreflect the e_iting resLl[fa, connect both_e_ices _sin_ theAVi8 inpu_outputc_b[e
and the_ perform recording _ut_bin_ _E86}).