6-2 Neuron Exporter Errors (NEX)
NEX# Description
Numerical value out of range: <parameter>=<value>
(<min>..<max>) [NEX#1]
Numeric value out of range. See error message for details. A
command was specified correctly, but the parameter value given
was invalid. Make sure to correct your build scripts as appropriate.
2 Invalid record in <file>, line <lineno> [NEX#2]
Invalid record in input file, see error message for details. Contact
LonSupport if the problem persists.
3 Invalid record in <file>, line <line#>: too short [NEX#3]
Invalid record in input file (record too short), see error message for
details. Contact LonSupport if the problem persists.
4 Invalid record in <file>, line <line#>: bad checksum [NEX#4]
Invalid record in input file (bad checksum), see error message for
details. Contact LonSupport if the problem persists.
5 Unable to locate file '<file>' [NEX#5]
Unable to locate input file. See error message for details. You can
attempt to fix this problem by building the target unconditionally,
and by making sure the file does exist prior to invoking the tool.
Contact LonSupport if the problem persists.
6 Unable to allocate memory [NEX#6]
Out of memory. When running in a DOS virtual machine, make
sure to offer sufficient memory. When running in a Win32
environment, this should not occur. Contact LonSupport if the
problem persists.
7 No valid records found in '<file>' [NEX#7]
No valid records in input file, see error message for details. Contact
LonSupport if the problem persists.
8 Unable to access file '<file>' for writing [NEX#8]
Unable to access file for writing. The file could be write-protected,
or locked by another process.
9 Attempt to write to unopened file [NEX#9]
Attempt to write to an unopened file. This is an internal error
condition, please contact LonSupport.
10 Writing to file '<file>' failed [NEX#10]
Writing to file failed. The file could be locked by some other
process, and the file could be write-protected.
11 Attempt to read from an unopened file. [NEX#11]
This is an internal error condition, please contact LonSupport.
12 Reading from file '<file>' (read behind end of file) [NEX#12]
Reading from file failed (read behind end of file). This is an internal
error condition, please contact LonSupport.