
NodeBuilder Errors Guide 7-7
PMK# Description
4009 Unknown file type for <file> (<full path>) [PMK#4009]
The build status calculator was unable to determine the type of a
file. This indicates a corrupted dependency file. Proceed with build
and attempt a re-build. If the problem persists, contact
Can't open or write to build log file <file>. An existing build
log file in this location might be out-of-date as a result of
this failure [PMK#4010]
Can't open or write to build log file <file>. An existing build log file
in this location might be out-of-date as a result of this failure.
Make sure the existing build log file is not write-protected.
Cannot produce link summary. The linker mapfile
<mapfilename> is malformed. [PMK#4011]
Attempt to correct the problem with a "clean", followed by a re-
build. Contact LonSupport if the problem persists. If PMK#4011
and PMK#4012 both appear together, attempt to address the
condition causing the PMK#4011 before attempting to address the
Cannot produce link summary. The linker mapfile
<mapfilename> is missing [PMK#4012]
Attempt to correct the problem with a "clean", followed by a re-
build. Contact LonSupport if the problem persists. This message
might be a consequence of PMK#4011. If PMK#4011 and
PMK#4012 both appear together, attempt to address the condition
causing the PMK#4011 before attempting to address the
The requested action <action> overrides a previous choice.
This warning indicates that more than one, mutually exclusive,
actions have been requested on the command line. Actions are
-build, -clean, -compile, and -query. One and only one action must
be given; a failure occurs if none is given (PMK#107). The most
recent action is performed if more than one is given, noted with
warning PMK#4013).