2-2 Dependency Utility Errors (DEP)
DEP# Description
1 An error occurred accessing file <file>: <reason> [DEP#1]
System error when accessing dependency file, see error
message for details provided as <reason>.
An error occurred when processing dependency
information: <reason> [DEP#2]
System error not related to file I/O, see error message for
details provided in <reason>.
3 An error occurred, but no details are available
Unknown error. Attempt correction by performing an
unconditional build; contact LonSupport if the problem
malformed record '<tag>' in dependency file <file>
Malformed dependency file. Has it been edited? Attempt
correction by performing an unconditional build.
file <file> can't be referenced in dependency file (might
cause build status calculation to become incorrect).
(<reason>) [DEP#5]
A file cannot be referenced when being added to a dependency
file, or a non-recoverable problem occurs when investigating
the file described by an existing dependency file record. This
might be caused by the file being present but corrupt, or being
locked by some other process. See <reason> provided in the
message for failure details.
6 missing separator in clause '<tag>' [DEP#6]
The dependency file is missing a separator in a key/value pair.
Has the dependency file been edited? Attempt correction by
performing an unconditional build.
7 index <idx> is unsuitable for section <section> [DEP#7]
Bad index in the dependency file (see error message for details).
Has the dependency file been edited? Attempt correction by
performing an unconditional build.