NodeBuilder Errors Guide 5-7
NCC# Description
31 Too many ‘when’ clauses [NCC#31]
Neuron C places entries representing the when clauses in a table
that is interpreted by the Neuron Chip firmware scheduler. The
table's entries are variable sized, as some event expressions are more
complex than others. The table size is limited to 256 bytes. When
the table is full, no more when clauses can be accepted. Note that
the limit is on the number of when clauses and not on the number of
when tasks.
32 Cannot open binder interface file(s) [NCC#32]
This problem could occur when the compiler attempts to open files
with .BIF or .BF2 extension, but the file cannot be opened properly
with write access. It is possible that the file is marked read-only, or
that the output folder does not exist, or there is a disk or operating
system problem.
Cannot open assembly include file named in pragma directive
There is a #pragma include_assembly_file that can be used to
include an assembly source file in the compiler code generator’s
assembly code output file. The named file cannot be found or opened.
34 Attempt to divide by the constant zero [NCC#34]
The compiler detected that a constant expression contains a division
by zero. Constant expressions are evaluated at compile time by the
Neuron C compiler. Correct the expression.
35 SD string supplied exceeds 1023 character limit [NCC#35]
The sd_string option for a network variable declaration is limited to
a string of no more than 1023 characters (plus NUL terminator). It
is possible, using the bind_info(expand_array_info) declaration
option for a network variable array, that the string would be limited
to less than 1023 characters in some situations.
36 Message object reference has no value [NCC#36]
The message objects, msg_out, msg_in, resp_out, and resp_in,
have no value in themselves. They only have meaning when they are
accessed using the dot operator (.) and a field name. Only certain
predefined field names apply.
37 This field must be indexed [NCC#37]
The message objects, msg_out, msg_in, resp_out, and resp_in,
have no value in themselves. They only have meaning when they are
accessed using the dot operator (.) and a field name. Only certain
predefined field names apply. The particular data field referred to by
this message is an array, and access to it must be via index, except
when used with memcpy( ).