NodeBuilder Errors Guide 9-5
Code Description
153 Checksum error over configuration data.
This error may occur rarely due to Neuron Chip, transceiver, or
application failure.
The Neuron Chip retains a checksum of the application program and
of the configuration data. If it is not the correct value, an error is
logged, and the node goes into a blank or unconfigured state. This is
usually a hardware problem, although it could be caused by the
application writing over itself. See the section Defining Reboot and
Integrity Options in Chapter 7 of the LonBuilder User's Guide for a
discussion of checksums and other integrity features.
154 Transceiver register address out of range.
This system error is logged by the Neuron Chip firmware. This run-
time error is checked only in the development environment. The
valid range for transceiver status information is 1 through 7.
155 Transceiver register operation timeout occurred. *
This error may occur rarely due to Neuron Chip, transceiver, or
application failure. A transceiver hardware failure occurred and the
transceiver could not be configured.
156 Application buffer too small.
This system error is logged by the Neuron Chip firmware. A message
was received into a network buffer but it could not fit into an
application buffer. May need to increase the buffer size with the
#pragma app_buf_in_size directive (see the Compiler Directives
chapter in the Neuron C Reference Guide).
157 io_in or io_out not ready.
This system error is logged by the Neuron Chip firmware. This run-
time error is checked only in the development environment. Function
io_in() or io_out() invoked for a parallel I/O object when not in the
proper state for input or output, respectively.
158 Self test failed.
This error may occur rarely due to Neuron Chip, transceiver, or
application failure. The Neuron failed its self test. The self test
includes tests of RAM and internal timer and counter logic.
Note that this error code does not get set as a result of the
RQ_SELF_TEST command being sent to the node object of an
interoperable device.
160 Authentication mismatch.
A network variable message or network management message was
rejected because of an authentication failure. Could be due to an
authentication key mismatch or a lack of an authentication indicator
in the original message. This error could indicate attempts of an
intruder to "break in" to the network.
This error could also occur if the network configuration is invalid, if
the network management tool is malfunctioning, or if the Neuron
Chip firmware image is corrupted. If this error occurs, try reloading
the node.