5-32 Neuron C Compiler Errors (NCC)
NCC# Description
238 File write error - is disk full? [NCC#238]
The compiler encountered an error writing to the output file(s).
Check that the output media is not write-protected, and that
sufficient disk space exists. It is possible, for extremely large
programs, that a megabyte or more of temporary disk space would be
needed during compilation.
A msg_tag declaration is not permitted if micro_interface
Once the #pragma micro_interface appears, the program cannot
declare any network variables or message tags.
This event expression is not permitted - firmware restriction
The special event keywords offline, online, and wink cannot be
combined into other expressions when used in the when clause. See
the Additional Predefined Events section in the Neuron C
Programmer's Guide for more explanation.
Keyword 'sync' was ignored for polled output network variable
A sync output network variable is propagated each time its value is
updated. A polled output network variable is never sent unless a
reader node requests its value with a network variable poll. The two
options are not compatible.
Cannot disable netvar_processing with Net Vars declared
The directive #pragma netvar_processing_off is not permitted
once network variables have already been declared in a program.
Likewise, declarations of network variables are not permitted in a
program once this directive has been encountered. This pragma can
only be used with the LonBuilder Microprocessor Interface Program
Network variable declaration not permitted if
netvar_processing off [NCC#245]
Once the directive #pragma netvar_processing_off is encountered
in a program, network variable declarations are not permitted. This
pragma can only be used with the LonBuilder Microprocessor
Interface Program (MIP).
This I/O object type requires specification of a 'timeout' pin
The I/O object being declared requires specification of an additional
pin to use as an external timeout signal. See the description of the
I/O object being declared in the I/O Objects chapter of the Neuron C
Reference Guide for more information.