NodeBuilder Errors Guide 7-3
PMK# Description
112 Failure initializing <service>, code <code>.[PMK#112]
Failure initializing the internal service <service> with failure code
<code>. Make sure the target service exists in the current Windows
search path (e.g. LONNCC32.DLL, LONNAS32.DLL,
LONNEX32.DLL, LONNLD32.DLL, etc). Contact LonSupport if
the problem persists.
Unknown <command-type> command (<numerical command
id>)=<parameter>, or parameter is invalid or malformed.
Perform a “clean” operation and attempt to re-build. Contact
LonSupport, if the problem persists.
114 Cannot read hardware template file <file>.[PMK#114]
The hardware template file is either missing or corrupt. Make sure
the hardware template file <file> is present. Attempt to fix a
possible corrupted hardware template file using NodeBuilder's
hardware template editor.
115 Cannot read project file <file>[PMK#115]
Project file <file> is missing or corrupt.
116 Cannot read standard Neuron type file <file>. [PMK#116]
Neuron chip database file <file> cannot be found, is missing or is
corrupt. The default name for this file is 'neuron.xml', and the
default location is \LonWorks\Types (on whichever drive your
LonWorks folder resides. Attempt to correct by re-installing the
NodeBuilder software. Contact LonSupport if the problem persists.
Hardware template includes invalid Neuron key <key>.
The Neuron model indicated by the hardware template file seems
invalid, or the neuron.xml database is corrupt. Also see discussion
on PMK#116 above.
118 Cannot create folder <folder>: <failure reason> [PMK#118]
A folder <folder> needs to be created as part of the build process.
This operation fails with the reason given in the error message.
Cannot determine default firmware version for image
<image>: <failure reason> [PMK#119]
Failure to determine the firmware version to use as a default. The
file 'default.ver', normally contained in the \Lonworks\images
folder (on whichever drive your LonWorks folder resides) could be
missing or could be corrupt. As a workaround, you can explicitly
specify the firmware version in the target device preferences, do
not use 'Default' as a firmware version.
Cannot determine set of standard libraries from
<liblistfile>: <failure reason> [PMK#120]
Failure to determine standard Neuron libraries from <liblistfile>.
Make sure <liblistfile> (a text file), which defaults to
\Lonworks\images\Stdlibs.lst, is present and is not corrupt.