NodeBuilder Errors Guide 5-9
NCC# Description
44 Too many include files [NCC#44]
A maximum of 254 files may be opened in a single compilation. The
source file and the three compiler helper files count as four files
altogether, thus there may be no more than 250 application include
files. (An include file included from another include file counts as a
separate file.)
45 System open file limit exceeded [NCC#45]
This problem should not be seen under modern Windows operating
systems, since there is no hard limit on open files.
DOS limits the number of files that may be open simultaneously, and
this is reflected in DOS versions of the compiler. The number of files
is limited by the FILES= setting in CONFIG.SYS (see your DOS
manual). It is recommended that a setting of at least 20 is used.
However, some configurations (use of TSRs with files, deeply nested
include file structures, and so on) may require a larger FILES=
setting. Try increasing this value (you must reboot to have any
change to CONFIG.SYS take effect). However, under no
circumstances is any one process allowed to have more than 20 files
open simultaneously. Thus, the practical limit to nesting of include
files is 12 deep (as the compiler may have as many as eight non-
include files open at once).
46 Class ‘register’ was ignored [NCC#46]
This keyword has no effect in Neuron C.
47 Type qualifier ‘volatile’ was ignored [NCC#47]
This keyword has no effect in Neuron C.
48 Floating point is not supported [NCC#48]
Neuron C does not support floating point built-in data types and
operators. Use the floating point library functions instead. See the
Functions chapter in the Neuron C Reference Guide for more
information on using the floating point library, and the standard
include file <float.h>.
49 Invalid array bounds [NCC#49]
In Neuron C, an array bound constant-expression must resolve to a
positive integer no larger than 32767.
50 Bitfield size must be from 0 to 8 bits [NCC#50]
A bitfield must fit inside an int type. Since in Neuron C an int is 8
bits, the bitfield is also limited to 8 bits. Note that in ANSI C a
bitfield size of 0 bits is legal for an unnamed bitfield. Such a bitfield
forces alignment to the next storage unit boundary (which is a byte
in Neuron C, since the Neuron Chip architecture does not force any
multi-byte data alignment.).
51 Bitfield type is incorrect [NCC#51]
A bitfield may only be declared using only a combination of the type
keywords int, signed, unsigned, long, short, and char. Bitfields
may not be arrays, pointers, structures, unions, or any other Neuron
C type.