
5-8 Neuron C Compiler Errors (NCC)
NCC# Description
38 Possible data truncation [NCC#38]
This message results from an automatic conversion of a long
variable to a short. To make this warning go away, modify the
variable declarations or use an explicit cast operator, which disables
the compiler warning.
39 Cannot open debug output info file [NCC#39]
This problem could occur when the compiler attempts to open the
output file with .DBG extension, but the file cannot be opened
properly with write access. It is possible that the file is marked read-
only, or that the output folder does not exist, or there is a disk or
operating system problem.
Enum list has more values than the debug info supports
The range of enum values in Neuron C is from -128 to 127.
According to the definition of ANSI C, multiple enumerated constant
names may appear in an enum type for the same constant value;
thus there is really no limit to the number of names in an enum
value list.
However, the Neuron C Debugger only supports a maximum of 255
enumerated constant names in a given enum type. An enum that
contains more names than this is still perfectly acceptable to the
compiler; however, the debugger is only capable of using the first 255
names in the enum type.
41 Too many function parameters for debug info [NCC#41]
The Neuron C Debugger can only support functions with 14 or fewer
parameters. Use of functions with more than 14 parameters may
result in strange or incorrect results when using the debugger to
display stack contents, and so on. Note that this is a limitation on
number of parameters, and not on the number of bytes used to store
those parameters.
42 Too many include search directories specified [NCC#42]
A maximum of 20 directories may be specified in the include-
directory search list.
43 Cannot open output dependency-file [NCC#43]
The compiler opens several output files as part of its initialization.
All the files are placed in the intermediate folder. In the LonBuilder
development tool, the intermediate folder is the IM folder within the
project folder. In the NodeBuilder development tool, the
intermediate folder is the IM subfolder in each target folder
("Release", "Development", etc). This error may indicate that the
disk is full, or may indicate a disk error, or may indicate a read-only
disk condition (if for example, the project directory and its
subdirectories are on a floppy disk and the disk is write-protected).
Also, confirm that the project folder contains a subfolder named IM.