NodeBuilder Errors Guide 5-31
NCC# Description
Specify '#pragma enable_multiple_baud' for correct I/O
operation [NCC#231]
Two or more I/O devices have been declared with conflicting bit rates.
In order for the compiler to generate correct code, it must know about
the conflicting devices in advance. Thus, the #pragma
enable_multiple_baud directive must be specified in advance.
232 Hex escape char code constant is too large [NCC#232]
A hex escape character inside a character or string constant exceeds
the value 0xFF. The Neuron C behavior is correct for ANSI C, but
programmers usually find the ANSI C behavior in this respect
Buffer size too small for network management messages
The compiler issues warnings when any of the buffer size pragmas
are used, and the resulting settings would be too small to
accommodate all possible network management messages from being
properly received or responded to.
234 Buffer size too small for interoperability [NCC#234]
The compiler issues warnings when any of the buffer size pragmas
are used, and the resulting settings would prohibit satisfying the
interoperability criteria.
235 Codegen buffer is full [NCC#235]
The compiler memory limitation has been exceeded and the
procedure must be split into two or more procedures.
236 Too many static declarations in this compilation [NCC#236]
A maximum of 32,767 static variables can be declared in a single
module. Each configuration parameter (member of a CP family) also
counts as a static variable.
237 Unusual use of function address as value [NCC#237]
This message would occur in a situation like the following:
int f(void) {return 0;}
int g(void) {
int x;
x = 1;
if (f) { // Unusual use of function address
x = 2;
return x;
Technically, C permits such a use as shown. Such an expression has
little use in Neuron C, however. The programmer most likely
wanted to specify "if (f( )) { ...". In other words, the syntax
of ANSI C permits a construct that is most likely a programming
error, and the Neuron C compiler flags it for you.