NodeBuilder Errors Guide 5-63
NCC# Description
NV array element used as a property requires an index
A functional block declaration may have its properties implemented
using configuration parameters or configuration network variables.
A simple (non-array) functional block requires any configuration
property network variables to be simple NVs, or NV array elements.
These properties can either be simple network variables, or elements
of network variable arrays. In the case of an element of a network
variable array, an index expression must be part of the declaration in
the fb_properties list, to identify the array element to be used.
NV array elements used as properties of an array require a
starting index [NCC#500]
A functional block array declaration may have its properties
implemented using configuration parameters or configuration
property network variable arrays. The network variable arrays may
be larger than the functional block array, and the indices need not be
identical (between the functional block array and the various
network variable arrays). The reference to each array network
variable in the fb_properties list requires a starting index as part
of the declarations in the implements statements, to identify which
array element of the network variable corresponds to the 0
element of the functional block. The compiler then automatically
distributes the following elements of the network variable arrays to
the following elements of the functional block array.
Non-shared NV used as property of array must itself be an
array [NCC#501]
A functional block array declaration may have its properties
implemented using configuration parameters or configuration
property network variable arrays. The non-shared properties using
network variables must be implemented using network variable
arrays. The network variable arrays may be larger than the
functional block array, and the indices need not be identical (between
the functional block array and the various network variable arrays).
The reference to each array network variable in the fb_properties list
requires a starting index as part of the declarations in the
implements statements, to identify which array element of the
network variable corresponds to the 0
array element of the
functional block. The compiler then automatically distributes the
following elements of the network variable arrays to the following
elements of the functional block array.